by | Nov 20, 2017 | Business, Prosperity of Life, Success
This blog is a continuation of Shane Krider’s interview with home business legend Lee Anne Bartlett. However this time, Shane interviews Lee Anne’s husband, Andrew Bartlett, and delves deep into the aspects of what it’s like to be married to a successful...
by | Nov 19, 2017 | Business, Prosperity of Life, Success
This blog is a continuation of Shane Krider’s interview with home business legend Lee Anne Bartlett. Find out how Lee Anne became successful running her home business in this interview! Shane Krider Why personal development? Lee Anne Bartlett I’m not into potions,...
by | Nov 19, 2017 | Business, Prosperity of Life, Success
In this video, Shane Krider interviews Prosperity Of Life Associate and home business legend Lee Anne Bartlett in his beautiful beach villa in Phuket, Thailand. Find out how Lee Anne became successful running her home business in this interview! Shane Krider What type...
by | Nov 6, 2017 | Prosperity of Life
On a farm in Kosciusko, Mississippi in 1954, a baby girl was born to an unwed, teenage couple. Shortly after it’s birth, the parents abandoned the child leaving the baby’s maternal grandmother as it’s primary, and only, caregiver. Although flourishing socially and...